Boosting Brand Loyalty: The Basic Essentials of Modern Event Marketing


The basic function of event marketing is that delivers the capability of delivering fans who become loyal to a brand and these fans can also do some serious legwork for you, by driving sales through word and mouth advertising.

Modern event marketing strategies are considerably different to how they used to be with companies like Promotion 1 event marketing working on creating what they refer to as brand vitality using various channels.

Here is a look at the essentials of modern event marketing that you need to know.

The importance of an event page

One of the fundamental aspects of event marketing is to ensure that you create an event page or website, which will acts as hub for everything connected to the event.

The importance of having an event page or specific website should not be underestimated and should be considered as a vital component of your overall marketing strategy.

The landing page is the perfect opportunity to inform guests exactly what your event is about and build up the sense of anticipation and excitement by providing some visual clues and supporting text to encourage attendance.

It is also important to include a registration form in a prominent position on the landing page, so that you can gather valuable marketing data and keep in touch with attendees as the even approaches as well as afterwards.

Try to identify your audience

Marketing intelligence and qualifying data can make such a huge difference to the success of your event marketing.

Understanding who exactly you are inviting to your event and being able to establish their business requirements or hobbies and interests depending on the type of event, will allow to structure the event to meet their needs.

Being able to identify your audience will allow you to shape your event in such a way that it appeals to your audience and connects with them in a positive way, whilst also raising awareness of your brand.

Budget for outside help

If you don’t have the expertise or resources to comfortably deliver a professional and memorable event, you should definitely consider allocating some of your budget towards hiring outside help.

Using a brand marketing team who are accomplished at targeting the mission and perceived opportunities created by an event, will often pay dividends in terms of maximizing brand development and awareness from the event.

Your goal is to attract attendees to not just put in an appearance at your event but to connect with your brand and become regular clients.

With some professional help, you are often increasing your odds of delivering a professional and engaging branded event which ultimately helps to secure plenty of brand loyalists as a result.

Choose your venue wisely

Your aim should be to find a suitable venue that resonates with your brand and feels like a natural home for it.

The amazing array of different venues available does make it a challenging task to try and choose a venue that ticks all of your boxes, but it is worth spending the time and visiting your shortlisted venues, so that you can get a feel for which one will serve you the best for the type of event you are creating.

Everyone loves a giveaway

Most consumers just love a giveaway and this is a great way to build brand awareness, develop a relationship and really make an impression.

Try to work on some creative packaging as well as making sure that the contents are likely to be well received.

Budgets will dictate what sort of freebies you decide to give away to attendees, with chocolate boxes, t-shirts and banded stationery always popular, or of course some of your own product if that is your line of business.

Get ahead

Never be afraid to start the event before it actually starts.

What this means is engaging with your customers through social media and email in the build up to the event itself and maybe considering doing something like an online contest, where the winner is announced at the event and prizes are handed out.

Event marketing can be a powerful sales tool when you get all of the components right and also handle the marketing and post-event engagement with customers as efficiently as possible.

Brand loyalists are a great way of generating natural sales growth and event marketing should be considered a fertile environment where future customers are just waiting to be found and become sold on what you have to offer.

Jason Tucker has been in the marketing industry for 20 years, working with some well known companies over the years. He shares his knowledge on all aspects of marketing on a range of business websites.