5 Questions You Have to Ask Before Hiring an Online Marketing Agency


Hiring the right digital marketing company has never been easy. There are so many companies you have to choose from and not all of them have your best interest at heart. Your only line of defense when searching the market for the right service provider is to focus on those with a proven track and asking the right questions. The purpose of this post is to give you a list of the key questions you should ask and the answers you should accept.

How will they improve your ranking on search engines?

Regardless of whether you want to market to the local customers or those in a specific country, you will still need search engine optimization. This is why the first thing you need to make sure of is that the company you are about to hire offers reliable SEO services. The agency should talk about their process. Pay attention to what they will do for you and ensure no black hat techniques will be used.

How do you ensure your clients earn high-quality links?

Link building is a very important step in online marketing. However, it is good to note that not every company does it right. You need to understand how the service provider will guarantee you earn high-quality links. Some of the best agencies will have databases of relevant placement opportunities as well as processes they use to reach out to authoritative bloggers.

Do you adhere to Google’s webmaster guidelines?

When hiring a marketing agency Nebraska, you have to make sure that they follow all the Google webmaster guidelines. Following these guidelines enables Google to find, index as well as rank your website. Following the guidelines further keeps your website from being banned or penalized.

Do you help with reputation management?

At one point in time, you will find yourself dealing with bad publicity. This could be caused by something you did or because of a rumor. It is very important that you hire an agency that is experienced in online reputation management. Start by finding out whether the agency has ever helped a website recover from a penalty and what their process is. You should dig deeper into the techniques they use in reputation management.

How long will the project take?

It is obvious that you want to get speedy results. Even so, things may not happen as fast as you may want them to. This is why it is important to ask the service provider how long it takes for you to see results. The agency will definitely not be able to provide guarantees or give you an exact date but they sure will be able to give you a rough estimate. It may take 3 to 6 months for you to start seeing results.

These questions will come in handy when hiring an online marketing company. Do not just accept any answer that is given. It is also important that you take the time to request for everything in writing. Never take the service provider’s word for it.