Top 10 Angel Investment Companies

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Many business people are aware that a press release can provide some valuable oxygen to your marketing campaign or boost sales of a product when it is featured in the media. The problem seems to be that far too many of us are a bit unsure or nervous about how to successfully put together a …


It won’t be an under-statement to say that people are juggling between their professional and personal life today. In this fast paced era, they have little time to even breathe properly and spare some “me” time for them. Forget of them devoting their weekend on shopping from malls and spending half of that day in …


We’ve become a little obsessed with Facebook adverts here at JCount. Why? Because they work so brilliantly! For a small business, with a limited budget, nothing reaches your target audience in the same way. Plus, Facebook makes the whole process easy with a step-by-step guide. We’ve been experimenting a lot to bring you this article …

e commerce

If you have been thinking of starting your own ecommerce business – now is the perfect time. Modern SAAS ecommerce platforms like, and others, promise that in an hour you can have a functional and ready to accept orders ecommerce website. They emphasize that you do not need to have any technical skills …


For most businesses nowadays, online sales are a big part of how they survive. If your sales figures are stagnating, here are 6 routes to online sales success. Redesign the Website How your website looks and functions can have a big impact on how many products your business manages to sell. You need the website …


Guide to expenses for the self-employed Making the decision to go it alone and work independently is one of the boldest career decisions an individual can make. It also has the potential to be one of the most rewarding, opening up a whole range of exciting new possibilities and a completely different lifestyle. Given the …


We have a lot of respect for entrepreneurs. There’s a passion and ambition that keeps you going and drives every decision. You can’t help but admire that in modern business. So, if you’re considering the entrepreneurial life, congratulations! You’re already halfway there. Most people are scared off before they even get this far. There’s just …

save money

Common Accounting Errors that Mislead Accounting errors are not always made by people trying to get tax benefits, pull the wool over stockholders’ eyes, or line their own pocketbooks. In some cases, accounting errors can be honest mistakes. These mistakes can lead to an under- or over-reporting of company profit. If you are unsure where …


Today’s salesperson needs a mobile office to succeed in the new, technologically-savvy world of sales. Technology has always played a role in making success, but now it is more important than ever. Salesforce reports high-performing sales teams use almost three times as much technology as under-performing teams and are 800 percent more likely to be heavy tech …


How To Merge Accounts In Salesforce Salesforce is a wonderful tool to help you run your business, but sometimes you need to merge accounts within it, and this isn’t a one-click process. Fortunately, there’s only six steps and they are outlined in the following paragraphs. Before you can merge accounts in Salesforce, there are several …