Is It Worth Your Time to Work at a Startup? Absolutely.
According to Fast Company, working for a startup is the thing to do these days. TechCrunch, an arbiter of early-stage business wisdom if there ever was one, concurs. Working for a startup isn’t the same as working for an established, profitable company. In many ways, it’s not even in the same ballpark. Of course, this …
Advice for Startups Burning the Candle at Both Ends – How to Avoid Burnout
Royalty free photo Starting a new business doesn’t only take an investment of money but often needs a commitment of time as well. Some entrepreneurs will burn the candle at both ends, as the saying goes, because they are putting in long days building the business up from a bare bones foundation. This is all …
Why Start-ups Needs to Ensure Employee Satisfaction
I would say that many start-ups fail because the boss doesn’t ensure his employees’ satisfaction. I can understand why, as you’ve got a lot of plates in the air and meetings to go to, and excel sheets to sort, and papers to file, and recruitment to do, and sales to get, and the list goes …
The 3 Characteristics Your Startup’s Marketing Campaign Needs
Image Building a startup from the group up is an exciting journey, unparalleled by anything else. When you are starting out in business, it can sometimes be difficult to know whether you have taken everything into consideration. One key aspect which you are unlikely to forget, however, is the marketing. As a small business, you …
You’ve Got to do What’s Best for Your Startup
Image Via Running a small business is the start of a new chapter in your life, so you need to be sure it’s a good one. And the way to do that is to make sure that you do what’s best for your startup. So, you need to think about how you can …
Getting Your Message Across: Spreading The Word About Your Startup
Pic Without a doubt, the most exciting part of getting started with your startup is that initial rush you get from having put an idea into action. Nobody would get very far with any venture without a little adrenaline, and that’s exactly what that first boost gives you. However, the rush itself doesn’t get you …
Saving Your Startup from Becoming a Tax Horror Story
It’s not typical for startup founders to focus on taxes. After all, valuable attention away from your core strategy can be costly. For this very reason, many startups place their tax strategy at the bottom of the priority list (some also hope they’ll get acquired before tax complications arise). That is a mistake, and the underlying …
How to Build Start-up Reputation
Starting out in the world of business is intimidating, a little frightening, and full of great surprises. Going into the future is all about unknowns. Light the path to success by following these tips. Write As an Authority Build name recognition and build credibility by writing for a local newspaper or magazine. They publish often, …
3 Marketing Tips For Startups
Pic Link So you have done it. You quit your day job, and you have struck out on your own. Congratulations! But this is just the beginning. You have a company logo, an office and some employees. What do you need next? Clients! How do you get clients? With a great marketing campaign, of course. …
Smart Financial Decisions For Your Startup
As the business owner of a startup, you have dozens of important decisions to make. Finances can be a challenge for a startup. Your business may operate on a small amount of available capital. You need to carefully monitor your finances so you have enough cash to operate your business. Use these tips to make …