Why choose four letter domain Name?

Why choose four letter domain Name

Why Wikipedia is known as Wiki? Given a choice to shop online, we still prefer eBay! Sony is a preferred brand when it comes to electronic goods and Nike when it comes to shoes. Don’t we live in the world of acronyms, say ASOS (AsSeenOnScreen.com) .There is one thing common in all these; they are four letter domain names.

Question arises why to choose a 4 letter domain name. It clearly reflects the company’s business (type of services or products). In the world of internet, people prefer to shop online than to shop on streets. People search for jobs online and even plan their vacations online. Domain name needs to be in the consideration set of customers. In order to be in the consideration set, top of the mind recall of a product or a service is a must.  Why restrict ourselves to online? Domain name is a brand written on letterheads, business cards,email address,advertisements;it may also be on company vehicles, carrier bags, promotional give-aways etc. Domain names these days serve as a powerful tool for marketing and building strong brand names. The best medium is mouth publicity. Hence it becomes necessary to have crisp domain names (preferably 4 letters).

“Bing, iPod, eBay or even GOTW (GetOnTheWeb.com)” what is so special about them? Can you pronounce them easily? Do you make typo errors? Can you memorize them? Well, an answer to all these questions is YES for the above mentioned brands. 4 letter brand names are easy to remember, less complicated,less typing mistakesand most importantly easy to pronounce. We see many Banks using a four letter word say Citi Bank or even an acronym say HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation). Acronyms are very popular when the companies want to not only retain their complex names but also be trendy say AT&T(American Telephone and Telegraph Corporation).

Every company wishes that the google (for that matter any search engine) should rank their website first. For this companies needto follow Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques. Initially the SEO was driven by Keywords. Whenever the user types a keyword in any search engine, is he being guided in the right direction? This depends on the keyword techniques used in the domain name. But now the SEO techniques will focus on domains consisting of Brand names and not keywords. This change will definitely not affect those companies who have build up good quality links focussing more on brand and not on keywords. Underlying fact should not be forgotten that ultimate target audience are the users and not the search engines.  Hence long domain names which have keywords incorporated in them, will no longer work even for search engines.

Brand name is the biggest asset which any company owns. Why not leverage on this?  Don’t let your asset become a liability by a lousy and complex domain names. Hurry up and find a 4 letter domain name for your company now!!!!!