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“CircleDex” enables users to build a secure private address book
What does CircleDex company Do? We are developing a software application that is updating the old address book. The application, known as (Circle of Influence + Rolodex/Index) enables users to build a secure private address book that contains personal contacts contact information and business contacts contact information (business card archive). The private contacts can …

Support Venux on Kick Starter- Digital Privacy Reinvented
What does Venux Do? is a software development company that aims to simplify the experience of computer and mobile device users. Venux helps users manage and secure personal data. Users can communicate with friends, family, and co-workers in a private environment. Venux takes a new approach to digital privacy using the H.I.P.S.™ principle to keep …

Why WEB developers choose “UMyProto”?
What does UMyProto Do? We provide online services for WEB developers which could help them to save their time. The biggest our project is the WEB GUI Builder – . It’s main goal is to help developers in the prototyping of WEB Apps. With UMyProto you can make alive prototype in several simple steps! And …

Why choose four letter domain Name?
Why choose four letter domain Name Why Wikipedia is known as Wiki? Given a choice to shop online, we still prefer eBay! Sony is a preferred brand when it comes to electronic goods and Nike when it comes to shoes. Don’t we live in the world of acronyms, say ASOS ( .There is one thing …

How to Name Your Blog?
Naming Your Blog What should the first step when you are determined to start your own blog? The answer is not very difficult to predict but very difficult to decide on. Talking directly it is choosing a blog name! It is one of most important factor related to your blog; it does the whole branding …

Nomenclature of a Website
Nomenclature of a Website What is the next step once one decides to build or get a website built? Yes it is the naming of the website. Well as easy it sounds as difficult and cumbersome it is to choose the right name for one’s website! On very basic level it should be in congruence …

Crowdfunding Platform For Online Shopping “Chipnship”
What does Chipnship Do? Chip’n Ship is a crowdfunding platform for online shopping conceptualized in July 2014 by Faisal and Monna Raja of Altlimit. It uses Amazon as its online retailer and Google Cloud Platform for hosting the application. Chip’n Ship is currently in beta test version at The platform targets the average online users …

Top 10 Crowdfunding Websites For Entrepreneurs
Getting To Know The Ten Best Crowdfunding Websites For Entrepreneurs Crowdfunding is basically a way of generating small amounts of funds from numerous internet as well as social media users. However, the people investing in crowdfunding do not get to own the shares or equity of the website or portal they put lend their money …

Top 10 Venture Capital Companies for Funding
List of Top 10 Venture Capital Companies for Funding Speaking about money, tax returns and the overall expense that is initially required to begin a business, there are several capital companies out there that are responsible for assisting the launch of a venture through curtailed marketing, sales and funding. Raising the monetary fund is the …

How to choose Catchy Business Names?
Catchy Business Names A catchy business name certainly goes a long way in forging the success path of a company especially when the organisation is still in its nascent stage. Brand equity elements like name, symbol, logos and website can make a huge difference in the markets that verge on perfect competition where there are …