As we know, the essay is such a writing composition which reflects individual opinion and conclusions of an author on a specific topic. Essays are never required to be exhaustive since its purpose is not so much to provide complete information on the topic or answers to questions, but rather to develop creative thinking and skill to put your thought together correctly.
Writing an essay requires from a person absolute concentration and diligence. The process of writing can be divided into several stages: writing a draft version and checking. About the last one, we will talk a little bit more. How to correctly revise your essay?
The check of compositions is an obligatory part of the writing. Such a revise may seem boring, tedious and long, but it can be turned into quite an easy task. Always keep in mind that you need to do it slowly and carefully read each word. It is easy to overlook a mistake if you read too fast. The time of verification depends on the composition.
For a beginning, it is necessary to write diligently the initial variant of composition because the more efforts you give to creation, the less time and effort you will have to devote for editing. If you have specified the exact number of words, then fulfill this requirement. Prove all the facts/information from reliable sources. The data found in any other source than scientific research and popular scientific reflections need to be checked carefully, to use only relevant and true information at work. Before you start to write, make a plan for a more organized essay. It will be such a cheat sheet for you topry about while checking. You can look at this plan to see if you have developed all the necessary items you were intended to.
10 tips for essay revision:
1. It is advisable to write a text on the computer in some text editor since in many of them it is possible to check grammar and spelling. Try to eliminate your mistakes along the way.
2. Now it is time of your personal monitoring. Print out the paper. Errors will be easier to notice on paper than on a computer screen. Start by reading the thesis of the composition. Is it easy to understand? Does the content corresponds to the essay title? If not, revise the thesis and make it fit the content.
3. Make certain that the beginning of text is laconic and develops a theme. It should be more than just your intentions and views. The beginning should set the tone for the whole text, which will continue throughout the whole composition. It should not contradict the central thesis (the theme of the essay) and should be compatible with the audience that will read your piece.
4. Check the structure. Paragraphs should contain relevant information and be without “empty,” meaningless sentences. Get rid of all the senteces that seem inappropriate. Also, control your “transitional” and coherent sentences. Your paper will appear jerky and rude if it does not contain binding components that will unite the ideas.
5. The end of the essay should also apply to your thesis. It has to be correlated with the structure and argumentation of the work. Spend a little bit more time checking the end of the essay, since it will be the last thing that the reader will read and the first thing he will memorize.
6. Read your essay aloud. Do pauses in places of punctuation, intonate your voice expressively. If you hear something that you do not like, then eliminate it and read the paragraph one more time.
7. When the content of the essay have been already rewritten, it is necessary that you personally (not by computer) control spelling and grammar. The computer will not be able to notice everything. Review the coordination of a subject and a verb, concord of tenses, plurals, possessive cases, punctuation. When you finish checking, make double-check.
8. If there is an opportunity, let read your paper to somebody else, and ask them to give some advice on how to improve the composition. If you do not have such people, then do it personally. Since you spent a lot of time writing, put it aside for a few days, and then reread it. It will allow you to evaluate the essay with a fresh look.
9. Use the computer spell checker for the most recent essay check. If time allows, re-read it once again.
10. Pass your work through anti-plagiarism checking program. Of course, you guarantee the authorship of your work, as you wrote it by yourself, but the antiplagiarism will help to reveal banal and overly used expressions that weaken the composition. Replace all such sections of the text with other more fresh and creative expressions and words.
Finally, it has to be said that even with all the advice about checking the essay, there is no need to demand from yourself something supernatural and sit for months at one composition. It is necessary to meet the deadlines to hand in your work, it is crucial. That’s why: even if you wrote the best composition in 100 years, but gave it to check later the terms, the chances for good reviews, as well as its consideration, are reduced. Do not leave everything for the last days. Ideally, you have to start working at your paper in advance and leave time to revise and edit the work.