
Tips to design the creative and effective Logos
Do you want to improve your designing skills of creating logos to higher level?? “Designing a logo” it might sounds easy and simple, but it’s really not. First you need to know what a logo exactly means, What is a Logo? A Logo is a Brand identity of a company, product or a service which …

Tips to overcome the startup failure and be successful
Why do few startup companies fail?? 1. Lack of capital: Many startup owners begin a company without any pre-planning of what requirements they need. lack of knowing what your business need, may put your business into risk. One of the main reasons why startups fail is having no business plan. Every business should have a …

Tips to make your employees stay for long time
Do you think your employees are happy working for your company? Most of the employees feel that moving higher is moving on, so how can you make your best skilled employees stick with your company for a long time is the question here… “People may take a job for more money but they often leave …

9 Tips to earn more money with your products
There are many tips to focus on to get the best price for your products. But there is a problem which has to be figured out. In general, there exists no preferred pricing technique. Discount and premium pricing strategies are thought to be the practical techniques. Numerous business people appear to rise towards using the …

Do you know?? What changes does Facebook has undergone over the years
Facebook is a social networking service founded by Mark Zukerberg at Harvard University with his collegemates. He is a computer programmer who has developed many social networking sites before. In January 2004, he started writing code for the site, known as ‘theFacebook’. This site was super successful with 400 million users. The service was quickly …

5 tips to make your workplace happier to work
Employees work creative, productive and take leaves less often, when they are happy to work at your company. You don’t need to cost much to make a happy working environment. Allow the corporate culture into your every day schedule and just add some fun and joy to work, where your employees follow the same and …

Tips to Connect With the Other Entrepreneurs
Joining and connecting with different business people can advantage you in a few ways – from new points of view that start business development to new contacts and coaches to ricochet thoughts off. Here are five approaches to join and network with the business entrepreneurs. Be dynamic on Twitter. There are a few informal communities …

7 Productive tips to be successful in blogging
Blogging is a very simple job, you just need to develop a blog and then begin writing. But this doesn’t make you a successful blogger. However, have you ever thought what it takes to turn you into a successful Blogger? How Bloggers make huge amount of dollars consistently? Simple!! The answer is hard work, dedication …

Top 10 beautifully designed company offices in the world
Companies now days (especially companies who make money through internet) are showing much interest on the office staff requirements and environment to meet their best results in making money out of it. There are few workplaces in the list given, from a portion of the greatest companies across the world, however in terms of making …

Facebook now can know how long you look at news feed
Facebook is an online social media service that permits its users to make connection with their loved ones. It allows users to make a profile, update their data, include pictures, can send request to friends and also to the strangers, and also accept the request from the other users. It has many features that include …