Online marketing is one of the most effective ways to get business. You can target the whole entire world with the help of online marketing! But does that make offline marketing obsolete? No it doesn’t! Offline marketing is still effective, and can be used with online marketing to form a strong campaign. Here are some of the best offline marketing techniques:
Sponsor a Sports Team
Sponsoring a sports team is a good way to get your name out there. Your name will be on the team’s kit, and people will respect you for sponsoring them. This is a way you can use to build a good reputation and become the talk of the local community. You can really excel using tips like this!
Make People Remember You
Make people remember you. How? Random acts of kindness. It’s raining? Hand out umbrellas. It’s snowing? Offer free hot chocolate. It’s ridiculously sunny? Give away small pots of sun cream. People may not rush to work with you that instant, but they’ll remember you and talk about you!
Attend Exhibitions/Trade Shows
Exhibitions and trade shows are fab ways to meet potential clients and business partners if you do them right. Your stand design will need to be on top form, and you’ll need to remain in ‘business mode’ at all times. You can’t start slacking off, or it’ll reflect badly on you!
Radio Adverts
Radio adverts can reach a lot of people. You may not be able to target them as effectively as online techniques, which is one of the only downsides. However, you can still design an advert that will appeal to many people and make sure you pick an appropriate slot.
Business Cards
Business cards have been around for a long time, and with good reason. They’re not going anywhere any time soon! You should always design a standard sizes business card, but then play with it however you like. A mobile phone company could have theirs double as phone stand, for instance.
Mobile Billboards
Mobile billboards will make their way past hundreds if not thousands of people each day. Think of how many people you pass when you drive your car; you could be advertising to all of these people! Get really creative and make your advert stand out for it to make a big difference.
Informative Flyers
Informative flyers can still be effective if you design them properly. You could even include some kind of discount code on them to monitor the amount of people who used them. Make sure you include only the most important information and leave off anything that clutters the space. Check out more flyer design tips here.
Use these offline marketing tips in conjunction with some online tips to create a strong marketing campaign. Using both together is a good way to get the best results from your efforts. You don’t want to isolate a big portion of your market. Have you used any of these tips successfully? Leave a comment and let us know. Bye for now!