5 Tips to replacing your social security card

Did you know that your social security card is invaluable to cyber criminals? That’s why you need to always keep it safe! Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, it can still get lost. Once it gets lost, it is important to quickly start the process of replacing it, to forestall any issues that might arise. In case you have no idea how to effectively go through the process of applying for a new card, here are 5 tips that will help you out a great deal.


  1. Apply for the card online

One of the easiest ways to get a replacement for your social security card is to do it online. This is a straightforward process that only requires you to provide simple details such as your name, card number among others. It is important to apply for a replacement immediately, to eliminate some issues that can arise later along, the most serious one being identity theft.


  1. Use a secure computer when applying for a new one

When applying for a new social security card, ensure that you are using a secure network. To increase your level of online security, avoid using public networks that can easily be attacked by hackers. Even when using your home network to do the application, make sure that it is secured with a password. The last thing you want is for hackers to hijack your card application process, steal your information, and use it in committing online crimes.


  1. Visit the social security offices in person

One of the best and most secure ways to apply for a new social security card is to visit the social security offices in person. Just compile all the documents required and then make an appointment. Going to the office in person helps you in two ways. Firstly, you eliminate any chance of information theft, a risk that is always there if you do your application online.  Secondly, by applying directly from the social security offices, you cut on the waiting time since your card processing will start immediately. This way, you are sure that you won’t stay without this vital document for long.


  1. Gather all the documents you need

Before you start the process of applying for a new social security card, ensure that you have all the required documents ready. One of the documents you need to have ready for the process is your birth certificate, or any other document that proves that you are an American citizen. You will also need an identity document such as your driver’s license. Having these ready will make the process easy and quick.


  1. Apply for any lost, but necessary documents

Before you start the process of applying for a new social security card, apply for necessary documents that you have lost. For instance, if you have lost your ID or your driver’s license, you should start by applying for such documents. This will hasten the security card application process.