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Personal finances are more dearest. No two situations you face in your day to day are the same. Don’t you agree? The amount you spend on buying a gadget can be different from the amount spend to book a cab. “No two lives are the same”. Everybody has their personal goals, plans, saving and investment …

wealth management

There are plenty of ways to invest your hard-earned dollars. The most tried and true method is the stock market. Stocks (often called equities) are basically a part ownership in the company you’ve chosen to invest in.  For your investment, you share in the success or failure of whichever company whose shares you have bought …


The next downturn is on the way. It’s been 10 years since the Great Recession ended in June 2009. It was a long and slow recovery for many years, but the last few saw fast growth numbers in the North American economy and, at least until December 2018, strong growth on American stock exchanges. Since …


Many people choose to invest in gold as they know the returns can be very profitable as well as stable. Unlike stocks and cryptocurrencies, there is less room for movement in value, not to mention several other benefits which make it desirable for retirement. If you are seeking to gain more for your retirement pot, …


Although it sounds universally appealing and many people want to get into it, not too many people understand what passive income actually is , example making money affiliate marketing, for that you have to learn about click bank affiliate marketing. Eventually passive income becomes quite easy, however, it does require an upfront investment. According to …

credit cards

Over 70% of Americans use credit cards to pay for their day-to-day conveniences. This often creates a perception amongst Americans that the practice is common worldwide. However, that is not the case. In fact, while credit card companies may be the same across the world, there are differences in their adoption across different countries and …

foreign exchange investment

There are many different investment strategies that may help you grow your money, and one that is gaining popularity is foreign currency exchange. This involves trading United States currency for different types of money in other nations and attempting to make a gain depending on how the value of the foreign currency rises or falls. This market …


Adhering to a monthly budget, proper financial sense, and living within means is considered to be an important aspect of money management. However, it also requires effort and study. It is necessary to learn to keep a check on bargains and when you have to avoid a bad purchasing deal. With the progress in your …


Cryptocurrencies are enamoring investors and markets alike all around the globe, with major financial institutions and transnational companies beginning to invest serious amounts of capital into these fledgling digital tokens. Despite all the hubbub surrounding the mainstream actors who are embracing cryptocurrencies, however, those who work at the smalltime crypto startups are doing the real …


The beginning of the New Year is the best time to re-evaluate and manage your current financial situation, ditch lousy money habits and consider ways to improve your economic status. Some people use the beginning of the year as an opportunity to make a new year Resolution even though some people don’t buy into such …