Innovate Ways Of Reducing Employee Sick Days For Start-Ups



For any employer, employees taking too many sick days can cause some serious issues. But for start-ups, it can be disastrous. In a start-up company, there is often only one or two people that are qualified for a particular job. If they are not there, that job just can’t get done. However, they remain on the payroll, while they’re not working, draining the company’s resources. Of course, invariably someone else is getting disgruntled as they have to cover their workload as well!  So how can you minimize the count of sick days taken? Read on to find out.

Encourage Physical Health

Firstly, it is well known that those that are fitter have stronger immune systems. So they are less likely to succumb to minor ailments such as flu and the common cold.

There are a few different way that you can promote physical fitness in your workforce. They all require you to integrate the ideology that fitness is a positive thing into your company’s ethos. This should be reflected in the activities and facilities that you are providing for your employees.

There are varying degrees of fitness promotion that you can choose from. Some more basic ideas are to provide fresh fruit and raw nuts as snacks in the break room. Or offer a reduced gym membership for staff.

More advanced ways of really emphasizing a fitness culture in your company are to use fitness equipment in the office. An adjustable height office desk can be used to allow employees to stand for an opinion of their day while working. This promotes general health as it burns more calories, can assist with back problems and can even help people be more focused on their tasks.

Other advanced methods include using stepper under the desk. This allows employees to work out while sitting. Or you could even take a leaf out of Victoria Beckham Book and walk on a treadmill while answering emails.

Encourage Flexibility

Something else that is essential for a fit and well workforce is flexibility. We are talking regarding flexi hours for those with children or those that wish to pursue projects outside of the office. As long as the recommended hours get done, does it really matter when the work happens?

Another thing a lot of employers forget is that the relationship should contain some give and take. If an employee has worked extra hard on a project or had to cover for someone else, then offer them some time back in leu. This can help to stop them getting run down or taking the time back in sick days, anyway because they believed they have earned it.

Encourage Mental Wellness

Lastly, stress is the most prevalent problem is the workplace environment. It causes over millions of sick days, worldwide every year. Being physically fitter will help employees deal with their stress levels.



Providing relaxing activities such as yoga and meditation in lunch breaks can be very beneficial. They can help people come back to their desk refreshed and ready to work to their full potential in the afternoon.