One of the most vital aspects of running a business is knowing how to market it properly. The truth is, the marketing is often what makes or breaks a business. If you are just starting out with your business, then you have probably already spent some time pondering this. The truth is, you can’t spend too much time on your marketing. As long as you get this right, it is much more likely that your business will enjoy continued success in the future. Marketing is how you draw people in and keep them there, after all. However, knowing how to do it effectively is another matter altogether. If you are wondering what marketing mix methods are the best and can’t be avoided, then read on. In this post, we will look at the most effective ways you can possibly market your business. Some of these methods will be well-known, others less so. Regardless, they have all been shown to be highly effective. Let’s take a look at what they are.
Email Newsletters
It goes without saying that email is a useful tool for any business that wants to be noticed. After all, it is essentially a way of delivering your message directly into people’s homes. More to the point, it doesn’t even have to cost you a penny. If you are keen for your young business to get going in the right way, then this is a good place to start. Using email newsletters, you can implant your brand into people’s inboxes with little difficulty. What is even better is if you get people to sign up for a newsletter. The trick to getting these right is to balance the frequency well. You don’t want to send them too often, because it will annoy people. This gives off the wrong impression of your business. As such, it will actually go against what you are trying to achieve. However, if you email too rarely, then your emails won’t have much effect. Learn to get the balance right, and you are sure to find success with this tactic.
Social Media
These days, no business that wants to be taken seriously can really ignore social media. The truth is, social media is marketer’s paradise. If you think about it, you will see why. With social media, you have a way of interacting with your customers which is both free and efficient. Not only can you interact broadly with the general public. But you can also interact on a one-to-one basis. Much of the time, social media is used as a kind of first line of defense for a business. You can use your Twitter account to interact with customers who wish to complain, for example. More often than not, this will result in a happier outcome for both parties. What’s more, it stops them from lodging any official complaints with the business itself. However, that’s not all. As marketing, it is one of the most effective tools around. If you pay for a promoted tweet, you are likely to draw some considerable traffic to your website.
Mobile Apps
There are many ways to successfully get your brand image across and into people’s homes. And that is usually the name of the game nowadays. One great way is to develop an app which people will want to use. This could be something related to the industry you are in, a tool which helps the customer in some way. Alternatively, it could even be a game. The important thing from the marketer’s perspective is that the brand is there, visible to any who download it. It makes sense to keep your apps free, of course, particularly if they are utility apps for the benefit of the customer. This happens to make your business look good, while you will still profit from the marketing. Using a professional service like Tacoma mobile app development will ensure that the app is of the highest quality. This is important, as you want as many people to download it as possible.
Street Art
But it’s not all about technology. There are many other ways of marketing your business which you might not have considered. Street art is one form which has been gaining serious interest in the last few years. The beauty of using street art for marketing purposes is that it is visceral and real. It is right there in the streets, out in the open. Anybody walking past can’t readily ignore it. It tends to be a powerful and direct way of getting a message across. More and more businesses are swearing by it, and it’s not hard to see why. If you are keen for your business’ marketing to be taken up a notch, then this might be your best bet.
It might be an old medium now, but that is not to say it’s worthless – far from it. The truth is, sometimes the more traditional methods of marketing are the best. There is no doubt that advertising on television is still highly effective. Millions upon millions of people watch television every evening. If you can get an advertising slot on prime-time TV, that is likely to do your business wonders. The downside, of course, is that advertising on television tends to cost a great deal of money. However, if you have the cash, it is money well spent. Just be sure to choose your time slot cleverly. And make sure that the advert itself is professionally done. Otherwise, it might end up having the opposite effect for your business.
Word Of Mouth
Ultimately, the old ways are often the best. There are still few things more effective than word of mouth. This is particularly useful for businesses which are just starting out. It is essential, in those early days, to do everything you can to spread news of your new business. Done right, you will be amazed at how fast it spreads. The trick is to keep it sounding like juicy gossip, and spread it far and wide in a short space of time.