Nope: Your webcam safeguard

What is Nope for?

Nope is a combination of two magnets which blocks any device’s camera to protect your privacy when you are not using your device.  This project was started as some students who use digital camera enabled devices were volunteered.  The awful truth is that almost everyone can hack into your PC and switch on the camera without your permission.  A single way to assure your privacy is to cover up the camera when it is not in use.

How much is Nope CrowdFunded?

It is crowd funded at $87,748 pledged of $500 goal.  28 hours are left to close the bid. This device is on bid at

Is Nope useful and Exciting?

Nope is really helpful for all the students and elders who have a fear to be hacked. It is very common these days. It is a safety gadget by which you can feel safe and secure of not being hacked by any random stranger. It is an exciting device that should be used by everyone who work whole day on their laptops and PCs. It is a safeguard for everyone and protects you from getting hacked via your webcam.

More of Nope?

When the manufacturers started creating this camera shield, the primary focus was to design something that appears clean and advanced. The gadget needed to be thin, small, and functional, of course. As a result to meet all these design challenges, this product now surpasses all the expectations.