What Is Systematic Forex Trading With XFR Financial Ltd


Systematic forex trading means selling and buying of forex currencies in conformity to an already defined policy, known as trading system with the intent of making profit from forex market.  Such trading systems are coded in a programming language that supports execution of trader on brokers’ trading platform.  The reverse of systematic trading is called discretionary trading, wherein traders make their selling or buying choice on a trade-by-trade basis. So, traders are free to modify their strategy based on market developments.

Benefits of Systematic Trading with XFR Financial Ltd

A significant benefit of systematic trading with XFR Financial Ltd is that it helps eliminating taking emotional decisions.  Trader is unable to make a rational decision if emotions like fear or greed are involved.  Emotions can largely be removed if you make decisions as per trading strategy.

Another equally significant benefit of systematic trading is that you can automate your trading system, meaning that you may place sell or buy orders automatically on using the platform of your broker.  So, your trade orders get executed quickly and the chances of your missing an opportunity of good trade are almost zero. Apart from that the implementation of certain policies on certain trading platforms may take longer if done manually but that it is not so in case of automated trading which is much faster.

Because systematic trading policies come in the form of programs, these can be tested for historical data. This is among the most significant benefits of systematic trading with XFR Financial Ltd, offering the facility of back testing the strategy. You can know the past performance of a chosen strategy. Though back testing may prove to be very useful for assessing likely policies, it can’t guarantee future results.

A lot of new traders entering forex market are often apprehensive of the benefits of systematic trading.  Presence of a lot of successful forex traders proves that systematic trading continues to be profitable. Numerous large trading companies, including XFR Financial Ltd, and professional traders have since decades been booking profits on using systematic trading strategies.

Some Risks associated with systematic trading

  • Though systematic trading has many benefits, it also poses some risks.  You can have problems if you selected a poorly designed trading system. The design can be poor due many reasons, such as insufficient risk controls plus impractical approach.
  • The other problem could be related to speed of the Internet.  Moreover, the connection could get faulty.  You’ll have to make some alternate arrangements to continue trading under such circumstances.  You may consider using a Smartphone.
  • And finally, there is no such thing as perfect trading system.  You may have a perfect trading strategy but it can’t guarantee success at all times.