So you have set up a business, built a client base as a result of a brilliant marketing strategy and not you’re focused on getting bigger and better. What could go wrong? Well, disaster strikes all too often and many business owners are left stranded not knowing what to do should the worst happen. It could be a fire, or a flood. Or maybe a virus has left all of your systems down and your computer’s broken. Whatever the reason, there are ways in which you can ensure the survivability of your business. You need to act quick and have luck on your side, here are some tips you can apply if the worst happens.
Tell Your Customers Straight Away
As soon as your operational capacity becomes impeded tell your customers at once. If some are waiting for orders or services send an email or letter telling them due to unforeseen circumstances it may take longer to fulfil. You need to get ahead of their frustration and offer them a discount. Email frequent shoppers, tell them what has happened and apologise. Even leave notes in a shop window. Whatever you do, tell customers why and when you will be back open for business. If you don’t, they may think you have shut down and go elsewhere permanently. At least this way you have a chance of getting some of the customers back when you reopen.
Recover What You Can
So your computers have been rendered useless. Try to recover what you can which can mitigate the cost of new hardware. Some monitors and mice might still be in working condition, as may printers and scanners. If you have lost key business information then there are data retrieval companies out there who can help you get it back, meaning your business doesn’t have to put hundreds of man hours into re-collating all of the data. Sure you may have to shell out for the service but if you get the data back you’ll be saving money in the long run and your business will not be down for as long.
Get Your Premises Assessed
In the event of a fire or earthquake you need to get the premises assessed as soon as possible. You don’t want any of your workforce to be injured by falling debris or shifting walls which could result in a lawsuit or brand damaging publicity. Get experts out to assess the damage done to the building. Your buildings insurance will cover anything that needs to be done. Falling masonry could damage more equipment and again cause issues with business survivability, so it really does pay to check. If the building is beyond help, then move somewhere else asap. Offices are easy enough to rent, but if you operate a store it can be harder to find somewhere suitable at short notice but don’t jump in, make sure you do your research about the intended area and get it as close to the old premises as you can.
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