Working in IT field: how to become a member of the IT crowd?

Working in IT field: how to become a member of the IT crowd?

Curious about career prospects in IT field and intrigued with how the software designing process works? Business, healthcare all have IT specialists and hire new ones.

Software development process’ phases

It is obvious that technology today is developing with crazy pace and making a career in IT field is the best solution for young specialists. And because of the fast growth of technology, tech jobs has become more and more in demand. In fact, an average salary of IT jobs can reach up to more than $100K per year depending on the level of expertise and location.

We are all dependent on technology in our everyday life,therefore, require high quality software for flawless operation of every app or program we use. Software development is a precise process and requires special skills in order to avoid presence of bugs or other errors. Every day requirements toward software is getting higher, the development process becoming more complex as the demand for quality products is getting higher. The main objective of a software developer is transforming clients’ requirements into a software system and this process includes following stages:

  • Planning, analysis, understanding main requir This phase includes negotiations with clients in order to clarify general questions and discussing the possibility of incorporating all therequests into one program;
  • Design phase is also can be called creation of the project’sbasis. This is the stage, where developers setting a standard, eliminating flaws and making sure the software design will handle requirement specifications;
  • Implementation stage, the one, where coding starts. Pilot study shows whether the developed product operates properly;
  • Testing processes. Every custom desktop software requires accurate testing to verify its capacity, therefore, engineers have to run tests to assure product’s quality. Accurate testing allows identifying any available errors and bugs. In order to make sure that the designed software meets all the requirements and solves the needs addressed,these types of functional testing are performed: unit testing, acceptance testing, integration testing, system testing, non-functional testing;
  • Product presentation to the customer.This step takes place if the software passed all the testing procedures successfully;
  • The last phase is maintenance. Once customers start using their new product they may require professional assistance from time to time like eliminating and fixing occurred errors.

Software development life cycle is a tricky process that requires complete understanding of the process and experience.

Job opportunities in IT industry

IT domain is full of attractive career and financial opportunities for savvy youth. Profession prospects in this domain are diverse and numerous even for graduates without computer science degree as if you are passionate about IT – success is guaranteed.

What exactly can you do for a living? Here are some tips:

  • Application programmer/software engineer/software architect. This specialist is involved in programming and designing so have to understand software and hardware functioning. This position also includes communication with clients in order to assess and define best solution.Skills required for this capacity include: logical thinking, ability to work with a team, patience and attention to details;
  • Business analyst is a popular position today as every serious business has one in its team. This work includes communication processes, presentations, problem solving, and software maintenance. This IT member is responsible for analyzing customer’s needs and creation of a project plan to design appropriate solution;
  • Technical or IT consultant provides technical expertise to clients and as well involved in project management, communication and presentation.

This domain is constantly developing, therefore, offers amazing opportunities for enthusiastic IT users.