Questions to be asked while hiring a Mobile App developer

tips for hiring app developer

If your company doesn’t have a mobile application yet, you could be passing up a good opportunity for a chance to have advantage of new income streams. Mobile phone is the most used device today. Most of the 120 million mobile phone users in United States utilize a shopping application or a retail application at any rate every month. Yours could be one of them.

If you need a smartphone application that lets users purchase your products or just access the product reviews, features, or coupons. All you need to do is to hire a good Application developer with good skills.

Why these questions are important

The internet has brought about a lot of opportunities for hiring mobile app developers from across the world. This is both a blessing and potentially a problem. This is because it becomes harder to vet users when you have not met them face to face.

Therefore, it is very important that as part of your hiring process, you screen your candidates thoroughly, to ensure that they have what it takes to become part of your team.

Hiring a person that does not have the right experience or quality to meet your requirements can lead to problems further down the road, from problematic or low-quality code, to delayed releases, broken functionality in the app, bad user experience and an overall loss of revenue.

That’s why vetting potential hirees through such questions are the below is critical. You can use the questions below, or for a more thorough list check out the following extensive list of questions on CollectiveRay.

Here are the 10 key things to be asked to a Mobile Application developer to help you pick the right one for the employment:

  1. Where would I be able to find applications you’ve created?

A good skilled candidate would give you a rundown of applications they created or even possibly played a major role in creating an application. Finish it with the links connection in every Apple’s IOS App store, BlackBerry Store or Google Play Store. This way you can start to gage regardless of whether they have what it takes, experience and vision to create mobile application you are searching for.

  1. Can I have a list of your present and past customers?

There is commonly no real way to tell who really built up an application. This is the reason to speak specifically with the competitors present and previous customers can be fundamental to confirm that developers really developed the applications they claim to have a shot at.

Checking references likewise gives you a chance to ask how dependable, responsive and results-oriented the applicants are. For instance, you may ask whether they conveyed on due date and inside of spending plan, and how well they work under pain.

Individuals here and there just offer references that have an ideal conclusion of them. Visiting to a competitor’s LinkedIn profile to check whether you have any expert partners or previous collaborators in like manner could be useful to your company. If you do, contact your shared associations and get some information about their impression of the applicant experience, capacities and hardworking attitude.

  1. What sort of cell phone do you utilize?

This inquiry can give understanding into how energetic and educated an applicant is about particular portable stages. In case you are letting me know that you can assemble an application for an iPhone, then you ought to have an iPhone, you ought to be playing with the applications that you are building furthermore playing with other individuals applications on an extremely standard premise. The same goes for Android and BlackBerry too.

  1. In what manner can my App make profit?

If your essential objective is to produce income with your application, the developer needs to know precisely how to fabricate in components that will permit you to profit. You could pick a pay-per-download income model, charging, say $4.99, depends upon what number of components your application offers.

In case if you settle on a free application, make sure the candidate is knowledgeable in how to incorporate mobile showcase promotions, in-application buys or paid membership administrations.

  1. In what manner will we convey in between the development process?

The performance of your application frequently relies on upon how obviously and regularly you convey your application configuration and usefulness necessities all through the process of development.

Does your application developer like to chat in individual or through telephone, Skype, text or email – and also how regularly? Alternately does he or she like to communicate with you utilizing a prevalent project framework? How frequently will he or she give you with the latest updates?

  1. What sort of uncommon features would you be able to make?

Applications once in a while snatch buyers consideration without really inventive and helpful features. Make sense of the fancy odds and ends you’d like and after that evaluate your engineer’s capacities. For instance, can your hopeful include 3-D gaming, online networking sharing, GPS registration or item coupon components to your application?

  1. Who will claim the mobile application?

Regularly the individual or organization paying for an application will possess the completed item,. To make sure you claim all the rights to the application you dispatched, you and the application engineer ought to sign a composed “copyright task” or contract. The archive ought to set up secrecy and state that you claim the application’s configuration, source code and every last bit of its substance.

  1. By what method will you test my application?

The most ideal approach to test an application is just to run it on the cell phone it will be utilized on. The competitor ought to give an exhaustive clarification of how he or she directs a broad beta test to remove any glitches. On the off chance that bugs are discovered, by what method will the competitor fix them and how rapidly?

  1. Will you present my application to application stores?

After you’ve affirmed the beta-tried form of your application, the last step is for the engineer to submit it to an application store for support to be sold there. Application accommodation is frequently a long, multi-step handle that your engineer ought to know how to effectively explore.

  1. What are your charges and installment terms?

Draft a composed agreement indicating that you will pay the developer by the hour or with a level charge. Most engineers, request a one-time expense forthright. Others oblige a store toward the start of an undertaking, frequently for up to a large portion of the assessed aggregate expense, with the funds owed when the application is finished.