Social Media is one of the most economical, handy and easiest ways to market a new product. Social media fan spends average of 50 minutes/ day on social media. The most popular going these days are facebook, LinkedIn, instagram, snap chat, pinterest and twitter.
According to New York times report average time spent by user on facebook is 50 minutes. Same amount of time is spent by users who are using other social media sites. It’s also in news that video contents watched daily on YouTube is over one billion hours. These are just small statistics about how much social media has influenced people around the world.
To learn the art of social media marketing and building audience and fan following one has to be well informed with the account he/she is using. It is also important to keep a strict check on all the changes going on relating to size and layout of the particular digital media account one is focusing on.
Engaging audience: Most of the viral content is interactive and engaging – these are not mostly articles but the quizzes, informative video, DIY tutorials, quick fix makeup and hair styles and hacks.
Videos up to 30 sec to 60 sec are mostly watched, reacted and shared. One should clearly understand the fact that more lengthy videos you make, more viewers you lose. As social media users have many things at their disposal, they prefer videos which are less time consuming.
Info graphics are mostly reached and shared because it take average of 10-15 Sec of the viewer
Articles are long and time taking –mostly people do it during their fee time or on weekends
There are many points to focus on before publishing content and making the posts public.
Perfect intro: The business to go online with social media must have good intro, mission, vision, opening and closing time/contact details and a professional E-mail address to happy customers and clients. A social media viewer decides to read your posts only if your intro appeals him. Master the art of crafting catchy into lines for posting on social media sites, this will help you grow.
Timing – the key for the highest reach: Mostly users are free in evening and at night time – the best time to post any content is between 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, post made during working hours and morning time builds less reach and audience.
Info graphics: The content which attach most of the audience are info graphic with description written over it. It is one of the most power and attractive tool to present the product or services to the clients or consumers. User tends to react and share the info graphics with description more than articles and images without information.
Informative short video/ vines: The most shared content is quick-short video and vine. Sharing and reacting to any content makes it visible to the other user which bring them to the original account.
Grid: The content must be uploaded to social media on a particular and customized grid designed for a particular business. The templates are easily available to be edited on Photoshop/ illustrators and coral
Social Media Manager – A multitasker: The social media manger must be a good writer, photographer, video editor, graphic designer and above all a good time manager, smart and witty enough to respond to queries of clients/customers. In short social media manager should be have all in one feature.
Social Media Management Account: Dealing with more than one account and publishing a regular post is not an easy task. There are various tools to make the contest reachable to maximum number of digital media user. Hoosuite being one of the most popular tools.
Schedule the content: There are various ways to publish the content on time. The best way to make the content available and accessible is to schedule the content. The posted content can be easily back dated and scheduled for the upcoming time and date, one needs to explore the account they are using. The key here to success is post with consistency. If you can’t ensure consistency very soon you will be over taken by your competitors.
Timely response – 24/7 availability: All the responses made on social media must be responded and replied within 24 hours – the bad remarks and content to be held properly without being created mess. You may use auto responder if you can’t make your personal presence 24/7. By using facilitates like auto responder you can avoid annoying your customers.
For an entrepreneur and start up business Digital media marketing is the friendliest way to penetrate into the market by targeting the audience. Social media is a platform that lets entrepreneur and SMBs owner to fly who normally don’t have much to spend on marketing, thanks to social media there are thousands of successful entrepreneur and start ups. While you post a content make sure you share the content multiple times and in different geographical locations. Give incentive to the followers, which can be even a gift hamper of the promotional material of your brand or meal for two or quick meal delivery for the most engaging follower. It is important to Post the content daily , you can use of any copy editing services to get more content , to keep the page/account active and speaking – keep a good editorial calendar for review and reminders. For the reviews and recent update keep track of Google analytical report
Hash tags the posts which may help SEO – using conversational tone may help more engagementand response to published content.
An important thing which as a social media marketer one should understand, is that always understand who your audience are. This will help in generating contents that will attract your audience. For instance, if you are marketing a hair straighter then females from age range 16 to 40 are your potential target audience. Creating short video about your product in this case will attract more and more woman to know about your product.