Benefits of E-Readers and E-Reading Apps

Benefits of E-Readers and E-Reading Apps

E-readers and e-reading apps have grown in popularity over the past ten years. The benefits of using e-book technology are numerous. From portability to easy of access and storage space, modern readers are enhancing their reading experience with technological advances. One of the best sources of e-reader technology are the Nook e-readers and tablets, and their recently added e-reader applications. E-books are even eco-friendly! When you choose to purchase an e-book, newspaper, magazine, or comic, you avoid instigating the cutting down and milling of more trees, which in turn helps reduce deforestation and improve the environment.

Portability and Storage
One of the major benefits of using an e-reader system is that you can conveniently bring hundreds of books along with you as you run errands, travel, or attend school, notes LifeHacks. With traditional, printed books, it is impossible to tote hundreds of books at one time, much less sort through and access them speedily. Nook’s new e-reader apps for IOS and Android allow users to link their Nook account to their iPhone, iPad, Android smartphone, or other tablet is one of the best e-reader apps on the market. This makes it possible to read on practically any device so you do not have to have a Nook tablet on hand to access your reading materials-thereby increasing portability. By allowing for cloud storage of e-books, magazines, newspapers and comic books, the Nook e-reader app increases your access to storage space, meaning you are not limited to the memory capacity of any one device.

Accessibility and Referencing
Not only do e-readers and e-reading apps allow access to millions of books, making it easy for readers to search for, locate, and download information in minutes, but they also give readers access to reference materials while reading. The Nook e-reader app makes it possible for you to access a dictionary and even a language translator while reading, it improve your comprehension and overall reading experience. notes that reference access is an excellent time-saving feature of the new e-reader technology. While reading, you can also access note taking features such as a highlighter, bookmarks, and footnotes. The touch and turn features built in to the table of contents and index features of many e-books also allow for easier access  to information as you can quickly go direct to the chapter or section of interest simply by selecting the required information in from the provided lists.

In addition to referencing features, access to information, and portability, an e-reader app also allows for better reading by providing personalization options. While reading, you can change the background color of the page to reduce glare, change the text color to improve contrast, and even increase or decrease the font size of the text. There are also audio book options for some texts that enable you to listen to your book while driving, exercising, or doing some other activity that prevents you from looking at your device. Another excellent benefit of using an e-reader app like the Nook app is that you are given access to one million free texts, so before you even purchase a single download, you can start reading.The reading experience is further elevated by providing lists of best sellers, new releases, and the most recent award winners in a multitude of categories, allowing readers to broaden their horizons by being exposed to reading materials that they may not have typically searched for themselves. Privacy in another plus when using an e-reader app; since you do not need to go into a store to purchase your books, you can read any book you want without the fear of criticism or judgment from onlookers. And, if you like graphic novels, comics and magazines, you do not have to fear your reading experience being diminished. The Nook e-reader app has a function that allows for full color layouts and even a “page turn” look, so you get the feel of turning a printed page, notes

Whatever you enjoy reading, from text books and novels to magazines and comics, an e-reader app, like the Nook app for IOS and Android, can enhance your reading experience. Digital books cut down on the need for printed pages, save space by storing hundreds, even thousands of books, and provide instant access to information. In addition to these benefits, you also get customized reading features like the ability to change background and font colors as well as print size that individualize reading. E-book readers also have handy tools at their fingertips for referencing, note taking, and looking up definitions and translations. Putting all of the most popular features of an e-reader tablet into an e-reader app that can be downloaded to nearly any device makes it even easier to bring your library along to the gym, office, car poo line, or wherever your day to day activities take you. With an e-reading app like the Nook app from Barnes and Noble, you no longer have any excuse not to read.