Do you want to make a decision on any thing? Sweigh will help you instantly.

What does sweigh do?

Sweigh is a new app on Google play store which is very simple and easy to use. Post a question you would like to know, either to your friends or to the entire world and get the response, what majority of the people settle on. Even you can give your opinion on any issue just by swiping left and right on your mobile screen.

Why do we need sweigh?

Sometimes you have to make the decisions faster and you don’t have time to go and search about, with sweigh you can know what people really think about any issue and get a quick access over the question you posted. You even can raise a question on any topic which you are passionate about and can get a quick feedback from the entire world.

What’s next in sweigh?

You can search for any topic like most trending issues on the web or the most burning issues today. Sweigh is a awesome platform to clear your doubts regarding any issues without the noisy posts, irritable comments. It’s a simple way to clear you on any doubt, no matter how important or trouble-free the question is.

What makes sweigh stand out from others?

Sweigh is the simplest way to tweet yourself and also about entire world without any disputes or debates with other persons regarding any issue, improvising itself to be more useful and easier to use to everyone.