Can You Make Money From Your Own Blog?

If you’re a frequent Web surfer, you will doubtless have come across a few blogs in your time. The brilliant thing about blogs is that anyone can set one up. From individuals to businesses, you are bound to find a blog that appeals to you.

Believe it or not, some people have monetized their blogs and are enjoying a steady income from them. Of course, if it were super easy to make money from a blog, everyone would be doing it! Monetizing a blog site takes time, effort and, as you might have guessed, cash!

Do you have a blog? Have you dreamt of turning it into a money maker? Perhaps you’d just like to earn enough cash to cover your hosting bills and a couple of monthly dinner dates? Or maybe you’re feeling ambitious and want to turn it into a full-time career?

Many people have often tried and failed to make money from their blogs. If you want to know what the “secrets” are to success, keep reading and I’ll give you a few pointers!

Choose a blogging platform you like

There are a few different systems you can install on your website to run a blog. But, you should opt for one that’s easy to use and work with. It’s likely that you are using WordPress, the world’s favourite blogging platform. If you’re not, you ought to consider migrating over to it.

The user interface is similar to office apps you’ll have used in the past. It’s great for SEO purposes, and you can easily customise it without needing to hire a programmer! The majority of website hosts offer one-click installs of WordPress, so you can get up and running in minutes.

Write about stuff people want to read

It might sound obvious, but many blog fail because they aren’t able to capture their target audience. The best piece of advice I can give you is to check out the competition. What do the top ranking blogs in your niche write about? What makes them stand out from the rest?

I’m not suggesting you copy them, by the way. What I am suggesting is that you learn about the methods they use to write notable blog posts. You know, the ones people share links to the most on social media.

Devise a practical SEO strategy for your site

Let’s say you’ve got the right ingredients to get people’s attention and keep them hooked. How will you get them to your site in the first place? The answer is to devise an SEO strategy.

The primary factors to consider include:

  • Optimising your site structure for search engines;
  • Ensuring you write about relevant topics and include the most searched keywords in them;
  • Getting backlinks from other popular blogs and websites; and
  • Avoiding duplicate content penalties from search engines like Google.

Get active on social media

My final tip or “secret” is to maintain an active social media presence. At a minimum, you should set up accounts on Facebook and Twitter. From there, you can share links to your new blog posts and engage in discussions about them with your readers.

By following the above tips, you’ll soon have a site that’s popular and one that you can monetise!
